
Why Is It An Absolute Necessity To Learn The English Language?

Having some other languages up your sleeve is always a plus. About 43% of the population in the world is bilingual.

For native speakers, English is just the third most spoken language. However, when all people who speak English as a second, third, or fourth language are included, English is unquestionably the most widely spoken language! Many Indians are keen to learn English speaking skills. It is one of the nation’s two official languages and the second language. It is also the language of business and the workforce, making it essential to learn. It is the core language of absolutely everything, from business, entertainment, social media, travelling, and banking.

One in every five Indian adults can communicate in English. According to the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) 2005, 4% of people can speak well in English, and another 16% can converse only a little in English. A man has a higher ability to communicate in English than women, with 26% of men speaking at least a little English compared to 14% of women. The same is true for people from so-called higher castes, city dwellers, and those who are younger and more educated. For example, those with at least a bachelor’s degree can speak English nearly 89 per cent of the time, compared to barely 11 per cent of those with 5-9 years of schooling and virtually none of those with less than four years of education.

The resources available to study English are nearly endless as English is such a popular language with people worldwide. It is simple to educate oneself in English because several free resources are available. Some courses charge a nominal fee, and some charge higher for the advanced courses, but it’s worth it. Learning English will never go to waste.

You can also hire an English speaker to communicate with and teach you on Skype for more individualized English resources.

Employees at many significant companies throughout the world are required to speak English. Some businesses need their employees to talk in English solely in some circumstances. Employees at many vital companies around the globe are required to speak English. In some cases, some firms need their employees to speak English exclusively. Because people worldwide talk in English and utilize it to interact with one another, employees must do so. If you want to work in tourism, travel, or hospitality, you must be fluent in English.

If you wish to travel abroad, you must be able to communicate in English because English speakers may be found almost wherever. You’ll be able to speak more effectively with the natives. You can efficiently complete tourism-related tasks such as booking a hotel, ordering a restaurant, etc. Knowing English will take you a long way when travelling.

It will make travelling easier, but it will also allow you better to understand global trends, culture, and social issues. In addition, it will help you have a better grasp of people’s differing perspectives on life.

So get going! Use Netflix and other OTT platforms to learn English on your Android or IOS phone. 

It is one of the best ways to practice English speaking independently.

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