
Manage your livestock with animal management software

Laboratory animal management software makes it easy to do animal ordering, tracking, billing, and reporting. The laboratory management software assists you in keeping up to date record of the livestock. It can be used for keeping a record of one or more animals at a time. You can track the detail of a group of animals or any particular animal easily with the method of your choice. It also allows you to handle some of the features manually so that you have a control on the information that is being fed in the system.

Features of animal management software

  • Inventory of animals: This system is useful for keeping track of the inventory of the livestock. You can feed the data about the entry and exit of the animal from the inventory. It can also be used for future reference.
  • Daily backup: The system is designed in a manner that provides you the opportunity to safeguard the data of the animal by creating an additional backup. If the data gets lost from the system, you can still restore your updated data from backup.
  • Record of animals: The animal management system can also be used to keep all the details of the animals. You can save data for the individual animal as well as a group of animals.

Challenges in implementation of laboratory animal management system

  • System performance and testing: One of the challenges that you have to face is the performance of the system. The data if entered wrongly, will create inconsistency in the data fields.
  • User adoption and training: The user of the system has a diverse level of computer knowledge. Every person has different skills and a different pace of adapting to the changes. Hence, the training of the user can cause some trouble.
  • Internal support resources: Allocation of resource and management support is a must for easy implementation of the management system. After the installation, the support of the IT department becomes crucial for the periodic upgrade of the system.

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