
Exam Preparation: Do You Know these Methods?

Even exam preparation needs preparation. Sounds strange, but it is so! A good plan in advance will save you an inefficient assignment of tasks and thus a lot of stress. With some basics, preparing for the upcoming texts is only half as wild and easy:

The Right Environment For The Exam Preparation

A dark corner in the messy room or even the kitchen table in the flat: If you choose such places to study during the exam preparation, you’re just making it unnecessarily complicated. An ideal workplace should be well lit and free of distractions (tidy desk!), But still, be comfortably designed. Do not underestimate the effect of a kind desk chair, which is best ergonomically shaped and adjustable with a movable backrest. After all, in preparation for your exams, you will spend a lot of time on this chair.

Defining And Visualizing Goals

Granted, it sounds a bit like a career coach, if you check: Only those who set themselves concrete goals can reach them or even surpass them. It works in professional life, but you also use same approach in exam preparation as seen here; SAT test prep. You need a particular learning objective to motivate yourself and structure your efforts. The desired result can be B., then you have to define how much material you have to work for and in what time frame that is possible without time pressure.

Structure Days Of Exam Preparation

In addition to the daily performance curve, it is individually different how long you can concentrate on the piece – but more than 90 minutes consistently creates almost no one. If you realize that you are not so receptive, then have a 10 to 15 minutes break! So that you do not take over all on one day, you should divide each learning day into blocks with sufficient time buffers and time windows for regular leisure activities. Even during the exam preparation, you should not completely stop your daily and weekly rituals such as regular meals, sports, or meetings with friends. Your brain must also be able to switch off.

Sorting And Planning – The Essence Of Exam Preparation

The study material for the exam preparation can almost be slain at first glance, correctly spotted, ordered, and timed, but it is only half as bad, I promise!

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