
Can Portable Cubicles Improve Productivity At The Office?

With more and more companies using large and open spaces, we need to ask if this is truly a good idea.

One of the things that you keep hearing and reading is that workplaces need to be a place where people feel good. They need to be attractive so that they want to wake up in the morning and happily go to work. Besides, the main idea behind open spaces is that this allows employees to communicate with each other easily. This should ultimately increase their productivity.

Not All Businesses Are The Same

The reality is that not all businesses are the same. While there are some businesses that can definitely benefit from open spaces, there are others that tend to work better in closed environments.

Let’s say that you have a company that currently uses a large and open space. However, due to the nature of your business, you understand that some of your employees need to have a private pace where they can meet with potential clients. So, how can you have this open space workplace and still be able to deliver the privacy for these workers?

Portable Cubicle – The Best Solution

In the old days, everyone used to have their own office with 4 walls around them. However, today, this is no longer the case. The truth is that you have portable cubicles which are a far better solution.

While you may not like portable cubicles, the truth is that you will establish some boundaries and a bit of privacy. In addition, with a portable cubicle, you can easily place it where you want and when you want it.

Just imagine that you need to have a more private place to welcome some type of customers just for a month. Why should you dedicate an entire office for this that will only take a month?

A portable cubicle is then a better alternative. You can have the private office as big or small as you want and you can place it where you want.

Benefits Of Using A Portable Cubicle

While we have already mentioned some of the benefits of using a portable cubicle, up until now we only focused on portable cubicles that are used on specific occasions. However, why should you use a portable cubicle on regular days as well?

#1: Noise Pollution Has A Negative Impact On Employees’ Productivity

While it has already been shown that more companies tend to rely on teams and not individuals, the truth is that when you have an open workplace, you may be affecting your employees’ productivity.

According to a Harvard Business School study, employees tend to communicate significantly less face-to-face than when the office includes a portable cubicle. Instead, most employees tend to communicate via email.

A second study from Oxford Economics also concluded that the noise pollution at the workplace is something that is affecting your employees’ productivity. According to this study, more than 60% of the employees stated that they required a quieter place to work. Ultimately, this leads us to conclude that open spaces can have a negative impact on productivity which can also reflect on the well-being and satisfaction of the employees.

#2: Flexibility Is Crucial

When you have a business, it is important to understand that each employee has their own needs and preferences. The truth is that depending on the tasks they need to perform, they may require a portable cubicle. However, and even if this isn’t the case, a specific employee may prefer to work in a portable cubicle since he may be able to better focus on his job this way.

With portable cubicles, you can definitely accommodate many different needs and preferences. There is no need to only have an open office or one that is filled with portable cubicles. Ultimately, you need to find a balance between the two.

#3: You Can Retain Talent

As a business owner, you know that having happy employees is crucial. So, when you take the time to listen to their needs and preferences regarding the use of a portable cubicle or not, you will be able to maintain them happy and productive.

The truth is that a portable cubicle is an affordable, flexible, and effective solution that can help your business in the long term.


The secret to increase the productivity at your office or company is to listen to your employees and take a deeper look at their jobs. When some of them require a quitter space to work, it is your job to deliver it. And with portable cubicles, this has become very easy.

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