
Benefits of Solving ICSE Previous Year Papers

Solving the previous year question papers is a crucial part of exam preparation. It becomes even more prominent when it comes to board exams. The exam preparation can not be complete until students have not solved the past year’s papers. So, here, we have provided some points that will help students understand why and how solving the ICSE previous year question paper is beneficial. 

Benefits of Solving Previous Year ICSE Papers

Each student aspires to score high marks in the exam. But, it comes with a lot of practice and hard work. One of the ways to achieve this is to solve the previous year papers. Below are some points that will help students to know the importance of past years papers. 

1) Get an Insight of What Types of Questions are Asked in the Exam

Solving last year papers helps students to understand the types of questions asked in the exam. They get to know the question paper pattern, marks distribution and number of questions asked under each section. Moreover, they get an idea of the difficulty level of the exam as well. So, practising the past year papers provides complete insight of exam pattern to students. 

2) Best Way of Revision

One of the best ways of revision is solving the different sets of previous year papers. It is expected that ICSE students may come across a few questions from the previous year paper during their exam. There are chances that the questions might not be asked in a similar way. A little bit of change can be done in it. But, students will have an idea of how to approach them. This will help them to score higher marks in the exam. 

3) Help in Accessing the Exam Preparation

Students can easily access their exam preparation by solving last year papers. It helps them analyse their strengths and weaknesses. ICSE students get to know the subjects/topics which they are strong and weak at. Accordingly, they can put effort on weak areas to improve their overall performance in the exam. 

4) Get to Know the Important Topic Most Likely to be Asked

The previous year papers give an overview of the topics which are frequently repeated in past years. These papers help in understanding the exam trend. Moreover, students get to know the changes that have been made in the exam pattern and question level. 

5) Help in Time Management

Students learn the skill of time management by solving past year papers. They get to know how much time needs to be given to each question so as to complete the entire question paper in the allocated time duration. By practising different sets of papers, they could easily analyse which question is time consuming and which can be solved easily. This analysis helps them in choosing the right question and utilising the time efficiently in the examination hall. 

After going through these points, we hope students have understood the advantage of solving past year papers. So, without any doubt, they should solve the question paper to prepare for the exam effectively. 

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